Bamboo floors and panels can be an key design elements as you mesh the old and the new when redesigning your vintage home.

Designers and DIYers often appreciate nothing more than taking a vintage home and using their skills and experience to turn it into a mesh of classic and modern styles.

Keeping your bamboo floors clean and scratch free is a matter of a little effort and awareness.

When it comes to designing or redoing your home, bamboo flooring offers a variety benefits over traditional hardwood and other materials.

Living a more sustainable lifestyle starts at home. Bamboo floors and panels can be a part of that process.

In today's more eco-centric world, the word "sustainability" gets thrown around a lot. But what does it mean?

Bamboo is a beautiful and diverse alternative to traditional building and design materials.

Whether you're a contractor or a DIYer, the type of materials you use in your next construction or home design project will be an important consideration.

Bamboo plywood can be part of any kitchen upgrade.

For many people, the kitchen is the most important room in the house.

Between the growing popularity of home improvement shows and increasing public awareness of the need to make living spaces more environmentally friendly, sustainable products like bamboo flooring and paneling are becoming a keystone of smart interior design.


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